Welcome to Somatic Living
Monthly Sequence
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Somatic Living is a community dedicated to the exploration and practice of embodiment. At its core, embodiment is the ability to feel into our bodies with our minds eye to consciously unlock the wisdom that is held there. This wisdom becomes the guide for our life.
When you join our membership you begin the path to embodiment. We start by addressing our body’s basic needs with the foundational, Body, Breath and Mind series. We also offer weekly live classes, and new monthly practices so you can begin to develop your own direct experience of embodiment.
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Plus, join us weekly for live sessions every Sunday at 10am
The Somatic Living Monthly Sequence introduces a structured, four-month cycle, focusing on opening the tissue of the body from front, back, side and central strength line.
Through this method we address the entire body systematically and allow time for the wisdom to integrate and become our own before we move on to the next section of the body. Starting anytime and joining the 4 month cycle, is one of the most effective ways to open the body and free the mind.

Full Arms, Shoulders, Neck and Head

Full Hips and Pelvis

Full Torso

Full Arms, Shoulders, Neck and Head

Full Hips and Pelvis

Full Torso
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Only $20/month
Monthly Sequence
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Monthly Sequence
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Loosen the Neck
CollectionIt’s hard to overemphasize how freeing it is to move your neck around without pain. But the great news is that if you do these movements your neck will open and strengthen. What are you waiting for?

Touch your Toes
CollectionThink you’re not flexible? Just wait till you are tying your shoes no problem and you’ll wonder how you could ever have believed such a thing about yourself. Flexibility can be developed at any age.

Praise the Legs
CollectionIt’s easy to take our legs for granted and when we ignore them they can get stiff and hard. Give them focused attention and feel your banal daily activities becoming more pleasurable.
Words from Our Community

Rameen's teaching is authentic, effective, and gentle. He has created an amazing community for 15+ years.